Little Actors Drama Acting Course (4-6yrs)

An introductory course (taught in Mandarin) that prepares the little ones from 4-6 years old in the form of building self-confidence, speech as well as opens up Kids' shyness and expressive nature through drama fun activities.:
这个课程 (以华语教学) 是为4-6岁小学员所设计。通过戏剧有趣的活动,帮助 4-6 岁的小孩子建立自信、说话以及打开孩子的害羞性格和表达天性。
*Course Summary*
Children aged 4-6 are in a state of being fully open to the world, curious about new things, imitating, imagining, and talking...
This course will focus on "cultivating and stimulating" children's "imagination" is an important goal of the course.
Under the guidance of the teacher, children will use drama methods such as "children's songs", "drama games", "role playing", and "best practice" to help children discover, explore, and recognize themselves and the world, and enrich themselves in pleasant and fun stories. In the dramatic scene, enhance imagination, creativity and self-confidence, cultivate expression skills, empathy and awareness of rules as well as Chinese Language.
*Course objectives*
1. Through the drama learning environment, liberate children's nature in drama games and performances, accept the new environment and quickly establish language thinking.
2. Through drama games, body rhythm changes, open children's imagination and cultivate children's concentration, understand their own body and learn to express with body language (swing, stop, forward, etc.).
3. Learn and establish behavioral rules in drama performance and play, learn how to socialize, and basic communication skills, such as sharing and compromising.
4. Learn the basic skills of acting and the basic expression of language, learn and understand what a "role" is.
5. The class is conducted every once per week, and will be taught by Chen Bi Feng (陈碧凤)and Abigail.
6. By the end of the course, you would receive a certificate, photoshoot and showreels done for your portfolio.
Course Details 课程内容
Linguistic skills 语言能力
Imagination 幻想能力
Speech expression 语言表达能力
Drama introduction 戏剧创作
Narration 个人描述
Course Module includes,
Introduction to drama (basic improvisation) 基础即兴表演
Story telling 故事描述
Speech progression 语言表达能力训练
Puppetry 木偶艺术
Poetry 诗歌朗诵艺术
Character impersonation 角色模仿
Basic Han Yu Pin Yin 基础汉语拼音
Character playing 角色扮演
Drama with music 戏剧配乐
Audition skills 试镜训练
Video production filming 短片制作