The EMCEE Hosting Training Course
Bilinigual (English/Chinese)英/华双语)

Course Overview for Aspiring Emcees and Show Hosts
Welcome to our comprehensive course designed for individuals aspiring to become emcees or show hosts. This course is structured to give you ample opportunity to apply what you learn in class to real-world scenarios, including on-camera experiences and live event hosting.
#### Who Should Attend?
While the course is primarily aimed at aspiring hosts, it is also beneficial for professionals from various fields such as:
- Doctors
- Event / Video presenters
- Teachers
- Lawyers
- Insurance and Property Agents
- Public Speakers
These professionals have attended our course to enhance their speaking proficiency and boost their self-confidence.
#### Course Structure
Each session is meticulously planned to build on the previous one, culminating in a final session where you will host a magazine show and various events. This is your chance to showcase everything you have learned throughout the course.
#### Final Session Highlights
- **Magazine Show Hosting**
- **Event Hosting**
In this final session, you will get the opportunity to shine and demonstrate your hosting skills.
#### Post-Course Benefits
Upon completing the course, you will receive:
- **Professionally Edited Show Reel**: A polished compilation of your best moments from the course.
- **Leaving Pack**: This includes valuable information on finding work, career opportunities, broadcasting trade press, marketing tips, and more.
#### Career Opportunities
Zoom Academy has partnerships with several event and production companies that frequently seek our trained hosts for their events and productions. This opens up significant opportunities for our students. (Please note all emcees have to go through clients and events companies' selections, there is no guarantee in job placing)
#### Take the Next Step!
Don't wait any longer! You are just one step away from realizing your dream of becoming a host.
### 课程概述:主持人培训课程
#### 适合人群
- 医生
- 老师
- 律师
- 保险和房地产代理
- 演讲者
#### 课程结构
#### 最后一节课亮点
- **杂志节目主持**
- **活动主持**
#### 课程结束后的福利
- **专业编辑的演出卷轴**:一份精心制作的您在课程中的精彩瞬间合集。
- **离别包**:其中包含大量有关如何找到工作、工作机会、广播贸易出版社、市场营销等的信息。
#### 职业机会
Zoom Academy 与多家活动和制作公司有合作关系,这些公司经常寻找我们培训的主持人参加他们的活动和制作。这为我们的学生打开了重要的机会之门。
#### 迈出下一步!
- Introduction to Hosting - 主持节目类型
- Role of an emcee, warm up and style determination 主持人的工作主任/风格
- Finding your Mic Voice & Speech techniques 主持人声音和主持技巧
- Speech Boot Camp 主持语音/音韵训练
- Voice Techniques 声音发声训练
- Wedding Hosting 婚礼主持
- Government and RCs/CCs show training 政府机构/联络所/民众俱乐部节目
- Award Presentation Shows 开幕典礼主持
- Dinner and Dance show training 年终晚宴主持
- Social Media Hosting 社交媒体主持训练
- Festive Events Hosting (Games and Types) 节日活动主持
- Hosting Demo Reel Rehearsal 视频主持训练
- Emcee Demo Shoot 主持人Demo拍摄
- Emcee Profile Photo Shoot 个人编辑录像
Once per week, weekday evening/weekend, 1.5 hours
max 10 pax
End of the course, you will get: 课程结束,你会得到:
1. Certificate of Completion 毕业证书
2. Edited Video Presenting Show Reel 编辑视频
3. Emcee Recommendation Jobs marketing techniques 市场推荐训练
Need more information? Chat with us! 需要更多信息?按 “Let's Chat!”。
The EMCEE Hosting Course 专业主持人训练班 (18 to 50 yrs & above)
语言 Language : (Bilingual) English and Chinese
课数 No. of Lessons : 12 (3 months)
人数 No. of Pax : 12 students max
学费 Fee :
*USUAL PRICE : $1000 per course*
*18-49 years old*
*(Training Grant $200 DISCOUNT OFF from Usual price of $1000)*
NOW PAY ONLY: *$800 nett per course/12 lessons*
(50% upon registration and balance 50% on the first day of course)
(2 or more to join will each person will get additional $50 discount)
*50 and above years old*
*(Training Grant 50% DISCOUNT OFF)*
NOW PAY ONLY: *$500 nett per course/12 lessons*
(50% upon registration and balance 50% on the day of course)
(2 or more to join will each get additional $50 discount per course per person)